İşletim sistemi: Windows XP SP3
İşlemci: Intel Dual Core 2GHz
Ram: 2 GB RAM
Ekran Kartı: 512MB GPU with Shaders 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Alan: 2 GB boş alan
Ek notlar: Will run on $90 windows media machine but Ekran Kartı/Performance are severely reduced the worse the hardware. The game is designed for higher end hardware so on the lower end hardware the game naturally isn't as good but still totally playable.
Minimum sistem gereksinimleri
İşletim sistemi: Win 7+
Ram: 2 GB RAM
Ekran Kartı: 512MB GPU with Shaders 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0
Alan: 2 GB boş alan
Ek notlar: Will run on $90 windows media machine but Ekran Kartı/Performance are severely reduced the worse the hardware. The game is designed for higher end hardware so on the lower end hardware the game naturally isn't as good but still totally playable.
Tavsiye edilen sistem gereksinimleri
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